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Sea Boom

Sea Boom

Living close to the sea is everyone's dream. But people often don't realise what troubles it may bring to them. They see only advantages, and frankly, there are a lot of them. You have the access to the fresh air and the access to the sea. Nobody will suffer from hunger, if you know how to fish. People of the reef lived here peacefully for a long time, taking care of their homes and children. They didn't even thought about that something bad could happen. However, when you don't expect anything bad, it comes to you by itself. One day people saw sea creatures coming out of the water and they had that kind of look, that you would definitely say they have come with hostile intentions. The sea creatures want to expel you from this reef, but you have no other place to live. Despite, why should you leave your home, when you can resist them and have good chances to cast them back into the sea? Fight sea creatures and get three stars for every successful level. Everything depends on your accuracy and the feeling of good timing. Deliver the bomb straight to the sea monster and make sure, that nothing will stop the directed explosion. Eliminate them one by one and free the reef, so people could get back to their homes again. Mind, that every following level brings some surprises and makes it much more complicated to kill the creature and get all bonuses. The only way to get rid of the sea monsters is to throw bombs towards them. That's exactly why the game is called Sea Boom. For a great warrior like you these creatures won't cause much troubles, but you should think before act. Drop a bomb, wait a few seconds and blow various sea creatures. This reef is yours and always will be!

This flash game shows how important it is to defend the place where you live. One day someone can raise his hand over your possessions, so you should be strong and smart enough to protect it. The sea creatures are vulnerable on the land, so you have a big advantage that can bring victory to your hands. Play the game online and deal with all difficulties, that this invasion has brought. The reef is huge, so your battle will last for long. There will be a lot of creatures on your way and some of them have already found a shelter. Reaching them is a trouble, but not for a defender like you!

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